Surgical Education: Austin, TX

Anterior Hip Introductory Course

September 16, 2022 in Austin, TX

On September 16th, Dr. Horberg was honored to join expert faculty from around the country in sharing his expertise in direct anterior hip replacement. This course focused on the use of the Direct Anterior Approach primary total hip arthroplasty. It was geared towards teaching surgeons to do their first anterior approach. This course involved didactic lectures, interactive case discussions and a cadaveric lab for hands on experience. As always, Zimmer Biomet organized an exceptional event for the sold out audience in Austin.

Dr. Horberg feels fortunate to teach alongside such experts as Frank Buttacavoli, MD (San Antonio, TX), Todd Miner, MD (Denver, CO) & Trevor Pickering, MD (Jackson, MS). These faculty members are truly exceptional surgeons and educators. While serving as faculty, Dr. Horberg is always excited to learn something new that he can use to better care for his patients.

If you would like to attend one of the courses on hip or knee arthroplasty that Dr. Horberg helps teach, contact your local Zimmer Biomet representative or download the Zimmer Biomet Institute ap available in the itunes or android ap store.

If you would like to set up a site visit with Dr. Horberg to observe him operate directly, contact your local Zimmer Biomet representative. They will help you make travel arrangements and ensure that you visit on a day that Dr. Horberg is performing the cases you would like to see.


Surgical Education: Austin, TX


Thank You OCI!